Allergy & Asthma Experts Serving Griffith, Indiana

Seasonal Allergies

seasonal allergy treatmentSeasonal allergies — also called hay fever and allergic rhinitis — can make you beyond miserable. While others delight with seeing flowers bloom, trees pollinate, and hearing the sound of lawn mowers humming, you may only dread opening the windows or stepping outside. You can start living freely again! At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, we can pinpoint the cause and tailor a personalized plan to actually find you relief!

Symptoms of seasonal allergies include:

  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Congestion
  • Runny nose
  • Itchy, watery eyes

So what is the likely culprit causing your misery?

  • Ragweed
  • Trees
  • Grass
  • Pollen

If you feel like you’re always getting sick, and maybe not just during the spring, it’s time to come and see us. At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, let our specialists work with you to devise a way to tackle the misery once and for all.

Our specialists have a variety of ways to treat your symptoms. They may recommend avoidance, medications, and the timing of taking those medications to gain the most effectiveness, or possibly allergy shots. One of the most effective ways to treat seasonal allergies is immunotherapy (allergy shots). These injections expose you over time to gradual increments of your allergen so you learn to tolerate it rather than reacting with sneezing, a stuffy nose or itchy, watery eyes. We now offer a faster treatment plan known as cluster immunotherapy.

So start to feel better and give us a call today at 219-513-8923.  You’ll wish you did it sooner!