Allergy & Asthma Experts Serving Griffith, Indiana

Allergy Skin Testing

Allergy Skin Testing, also known as scratch tests, are one of the most common types of allergy tests. It is a technique used to determine the exact substances causing your allergy. Along with your medical history, allergy skin tests may be able to confirm whether or not a particular substance you touch, breathe or eat is causing symptoms. Skin tests are safe for adults and children of all ages, including infants, and results are available immediately.

We employ the latest and virtually painless allergy skin testing system currently available. In a private exam room, we will be able to identify exactly what environmental substances, foods, insect venoms, and medications you are allergic to within minutes. During the test, a small amount of allergy-causing substances called allergens are placed on your skin and then observed for signs of an allergic reaction. There is minimal pain during this procedure so do not let that deter you for getting this valuable test. Typically, this test takes about 20 to 40 minutes. Some tests detect immediate allergic reactions, which develop within minutes of exposure to an allergen. Other tests detect delayed allergic reactions, which develop over a period of several days. At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, our specialists will explain the finding of the test to you during your same visit.

Information obtained from allergy skin tests are most reliable way of diagnosing allergies to airborne substances, such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites. Skin testing may help diagnose food allergies as well.  Allergy skin tests are widely used to help diagnose allergic conditions, including:

How can you prepare for allergy skin testing? 

Please bring a list of all of your prescription and over-the-counter medications. Some medications can suppress allergic reactions, preventing the skin testing from giving accurate results. Other medications may increase your risk of developing a severe allergic reaction during a test.

Please do not take any of the following medications/antihistamines 3 days prior to your appointment in order to accurately perform any allergy testing. However, if you feel this may adversely affect your medical condition, please discuss with the provider at your first visit. 

  • Benadryl (diphenhydramine) or Chlor Trimenton
  • Claritin or Alavert (loratadine)
  • Zyrtec (cetirizine) or Xyzal (levocetirizine)
  • Allergra (fexofenadine)
  • Hydroxyzine
  • Astelin/Astepro nasal spray
  • Any over-the-counter medication that is labeled “cold/sinus,” “allergy relief,” or “sleep aid/night time relief” as it may contain antihistamines which interfere with allergy testing

At Allergy & Asthma Specialists, our providers utilize the information obtained from these allergy tests along with other data to develop a customized allergy treatment plan that may includes allergen avoidance, medications or allergy shots (immunotherapy). Call us at 219-513-8923 to get your allergy test scheduled today!